C128 Ministries
Connecting. Coaching. Counseling
The Philosophy of C128 Ministries is anchored in the Bible verse:
Colossians 1:28 We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone complete in Christ.
The mission of C128 Ministries is to serve as a stimulating catalyst to local churches in essential but often neglected areas of ministry included but not limited to evangelism, new believers nurture, spiritual formation, and pastoral counseling.
Core Objectives
• Build the Life Imprint Dinner into a Tradition of Evangelistic Excellence in Metro Atlanta with a Supportive Network of local Churches.• Make the Christianity Examined Course available in a variety of forms – DVD, book, and online as an introductory step to the Gospel.• Utilize the Progressive Bible Concepts to promote spiritual formation in believers at all stages of spiritual development.• Build a Pastoral Counseling practice to invest truth into individual hearts for both soul care and spiritual formation.• Deploying culturally relevant equipping processes which prepare believers to effectively connect the gospel with seeking hearts.
Core Ministries
1) Proclamation: Wisely communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ to those outside the faith.2) Instruction: Wisely instructing newcomers in the foundational tenets of the Christian faith and equipping believers to share their faith winsomely.3) Admonition/Counseling: Wisely customizing spiritual principles to meet the specific needs of individual hearts.4) Completion: Wisely laying a complete spiritual foundation from which believers can reach for completeness in Christ.
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